No, not of the 13 amp variety, draped in something unseemly and making eyes at you. Nor indeed a shameless foreign two pronged specimen, with a saucy manner. No, this is simply TLF in begging mode…..
I was hoping I might prevail on you for a contribution to a GOOD CAUSE. Not TLF’s Stella and bacon fries fund (charity commission registration pending), although that is not to suggest that such a destination for donations wouldn’t fall into the GOOD CAUSE bracket…
No, TLF is after a contribution from your hard earned in the interests of Stand By Your Saints. This you may remember is the supporters group striving to make our football club more accessible and welcoming for all our residents and improving links with community groups in the local area.
As any fule kno, who regularly reads this ramble, the lower echelons of the football pyramid are not all prawn sandwiches, padded seats and ambrosia on draft. Money is tight and that means the little things that aren’t essential but can make a difference as to whether the place is welcoming for young families and new fans; like a re-redecorated club house (less tatty, more friendly) or baby changing facilities (never sure what you change the baby for, but there you go), fall to the bottom of the ‘to do’ list…unless people get off their bums and do something about it.
Getting off our bums is precisely the quid pro quo you get for clicking on the link below and donating. Did I mention I was after your moolah, your dosh, your wonga, your filthy lucre? Red Julie and I will be running the St Albans half marathon in June….one of us is currently hamstrung and the other is facing her first ever 13.1 mile run, but either way we will get round.
Please, if this blog ever made you smile (or even cry) if you could donate I would be grateful. I promise none of it will go on Stella, quite the opposite in fact as I think that this challenge will require TLF to eschew (BOOM!) the regular tipple. Well once the football season is over…goals should always be achievable after all.
Farah Fox