There is early kitchen sink Easter drama Chez TLF. Cast as the angry young man, Mr TLF looks a little glazed and TLF is a bit thrown to discover that he has been having a smashing time while she has been out for a cheeky easter Satday run.
Was this some potty response to the current shenanigans Chez the unhappy family that is West Ham? It seemed unlikely as he had so far handled it with a simple and brief, “Football is dead to me.” But maybe that mask of studious detachment had slipped and he had finally cracked!?
Or maybe he had just been a bit clumsy with the washing up?
“It’s a sign!” We both ex-clay-med (sorry) as we examined the victim. And that’s exactly what it turned out to be, with the rare sight of weekend that contained victories for Foxes, Saints and Hammers. Obviously a lucky break.
Mr TLF briefly bemoaned not having invested some hard earned on a cheeky treble. But he was wise.
Gambling. It’s a mug’s game.
Potters wheel Fox