King John stars in nine goal thriller

A Friday night in October and TLF was privileged to witness a rarely seen performance.

No not the 9 (NINE) – nil record breaking performance by the Foxes. TLF’s diary was having the last laugh on that one, as she was busy engaged elsewhere, immersed in kulture, in a “mad world of mad kings, teetering on the brink of disaster.” And NO TLF was not at Old Trafford HOHO.

TLF was at Stratford (of the Avon variety, not the Westfield), to see the lesser known play that is King John. Don’t feel too sorry for TLF missing the footy though. Apart from feeling quite at home amongst untrustworthy dramatis personae (just like being at work), the production is a cracker. Which is a good job because there are only so many WhatsApp messages along the lines of
Hope you are watching this!
Can you believe this!?
You could have had 10. You must be so proud!

On the bright side, the best production TLF has seen in years, combined with the sort of scoreline my teams never create, unless they are on the ‘nil’ end. Like some kind of footkulture double. TLF’s Friday definitely not, as me and Shakespeare often say, “as tedious as a twice-told tale, vexing the dull ear of drowsy men.”

TLF de Lion Heart

I guess the “don’t bet on my team!” ban can no longer  be justified.

I guess the “don’t bet on my team!” ban can no longer be justified.

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