Football Eve

The cold, harsh reality is that TLF hasn’t been in a football ground for over a month. Girls weekend notwithstanding there were domestic brownie points to be earned or had I just been grounded by Mr TLF on the basis that any unsupervised outing might end in further additions to the newly founded taxidermy collection Chez TLF?

Fortunately the drought is almost over and the football exile ends tomorrow. A trip to watch bottom placed and boycotted Saints might not warm some hearts but there are friends to see, beers to be drunk and the Mega Shed to visit (I am not aware that our merchandise yet extends to anything stuffed or mounted – feel free to insert your own pun here). 

One thing that has kept me going during these barren footballing weeks (apart from the Mighty Foxes’ remarkable run of form) is this cracking picture. The artist is one Molly, niece of Julie and was inspired by our last football match (mine and Molly’s, not Julie’s obvs) at Wemberlee to see The Lionesses. Kids see things so much more simply and dare I say better than adults sometimes.

A young and clever artist’s impression

Here’s to a good weekend.

Reflective Fox

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