STILL on a break

TLF’s winter break continues to outstay its welcome.

If nothing else it is consistent; Mighty Foxes do not kick off at 3pm on a Staday meaning that at some point during the weekend TLF gets the chance to bring the matchday stress experience into the house (poor Mr TLF). Too much time on her hands 3pm on Satday means that TLF occupies the kitchen and cooks up a storm, while following the Mighty Saints via various media outlets inc Twitter, two whatsapp groups and personalised updates from Red Julie, and drinking too much red wine.

While it would be easy to claim that this prolonged FFZ is down to domestic duties and wanting to maximise quality time with Mr TLF it should be confessed that it is often down to TLF booking up non-football distractions. This time it was Fairport Convention in Winchester. Almost like football in that it involved travelling, pubs, a capacity crowd, Mr TLF slightly there under protest and Davy Mac in attendance. More than 90 minutes however and at no point did VAR intervene in the dreadful puns of Ric Sanders. Plus the singing is a bit more tuneful than your average football ground.

A fine trip but serious proper, at-the-ground-football withdrawal symptoms are setting in…
Stir-crazy Fox

Filbert Fox is opened mouthed that a 50
+ year old band takes priority over the beautiful game

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