Handy hints 4: Health and safety

As any fule kno it is always important to follow medical advice in these unprecedented times. It was therefore good to see the British Society for Surgery of the Hand (who knew?) get in early with advice for those who had time on their hands (BOOMBOOM!), advising us that we,
“Exercise extra caution when gardening and DIY-ing especially if using power tools.”

TLF is not sure if they were thinking of scissors but after this week’s experience here at TLF Towers I have joined forces with them to issue this additional advice.

If, after drink has been taken, you use these to cut your fingernails

“Too big,” said Goldilocks

Rather than these,

“Just right,” said Goldilocks

You will need these.

“You twit,” said Goldilocks

You are welcome

Sharp Fox

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