Handy hints 8: Food

Apparently our great(?) nation is learning a lot during lockdown vis a vis the kitchen:
* More people cooking meals from scratch.
* More creative use of leftovers, leading to a reduction in food waste.
* More people baking for the first time, and not just using up those manky bananas in the fruit bowl either.

TLF’s learnings have been a bit different to the above but I share them here, just in case you ever find yourself alone and bemused in the kitchen a la TLF Towers (usually the domain of Mr TLF who doesn’t appreciate TLFs ‘getting under his feet’), so you are not caught out unawares.

Seek clarity when it comes to ingredients:
When he says he might make a macaroni cheese and tuna pasta bake, there is no need to manage his expectations vis a vis the reduced availability of pasta on the supermarket shelves. No need to ask whether chef would be willing to accept penne as a worthy macaroni substitute. No need to worry at all, because he plans to use this..

Actually if you add some real cheese, garlic, onion & mushrooms it’s kind of edible

Everyone has a different bendy celery threshold:
There is a secondary celery zone, where it is no longer salad-fit, but still soup and stew fit. And after that there comes the point of no celery return where even soup isn’t an option and it is only fit for the food recycling. While these two principles will generally be accepted by two people sharing the same kitchen, the precise moment when said vegetable moves to the point of no celery return will NOT be something they agree on. And in moments of lockdown STRESS AND TENSION, this will lead to #Celerygate.
So people tell me.
Wouldn’t catch a TLF losing her sh1t about a discarded single stick of less than perky celery that she had earmarked for soup.
Oh no. That would be ridiculous.

Never trust nostalgia:
If you buy that very old ‘food’ item for a giggle, because only the other day you were laughing about that 70s advert with the little aliens, and you can’t believe it is still available, then be prepared. He will use it. Again. And again.

“Clearly a most primitive people”

And yes I do know the original, ‘original’ was made by Cadbury’s.
Delia Fox

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