Strictly Come Lockdown

The announcement of an impending lockdown did little for the mood Chez TLF, but in these unprecedented times V0.2, it is important to hunker down and spend quality time as a couple.

Meaning that on Sunday evening, there was the unprecedented sight of Mr TLF joining me for the Strictly Results show. How nice to have company in these difficult times, when we are feeling a bit stressed, a bit perturbed.

Except it’s not.

Mr TLF: Who’s that?
TLF: Jamie Laing

Mr TLF: What’s he in?
TLF: Made in Chelsea…it’s a reality show (pre-empting the ‘what’s that’ question)

Mr TLF: Who’s she?
TLF: Karen Hauer

Mr TLF: What does she do?
TLF (teeth starting to grit): She’s Jamie’s professional dance partner

Mr TLF: What’s happening now?
TLF: They are announcing who’s through and who’s in the Dance off

Mr TLF: Is that like an elimination?
TLF (teeth now officially GRITTED): Yes.

Mr TLF (in his stride now): That’s a ridiculous shirt
TLF: They don’t choose their costumes

Mr TLF: They look ridiculous. It’s like they were in Blake’s Seven.

Exit Mr TLF, pursued by a dancing bear.

Ballroom Fox

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