Numbers game

After celebrating live football in the last blog, TLF was clearly acting as a jinx as with unseemly pace St Albans dropped into Tier 3, before a couple of days later crashing into the newly created Tier 4. NO football. In fact, not much of anything at all. Last weekend was therefore a bit of a sombre (but of course not sober) one and there was nothing for it but to find solace in some festivity with the putting up of the tree.

TLF confesses that she had gone a foot higher this year (sorry Mr TLF). What the spatial unaware TLF hadn’t appreciated was that with extra length comes extra breadth (get your minds out of the gutter please Dear Reader). We therefore have the Ade Akinfenwa of trees Chez TLF this Christmas. In the interest of peace on earth and goodwill to all TLFs, the decorations play out an honourable draw.

Higher up the tree

You can stay. I suppose. Just know your place on the lower branches

Yesterday was all about collecting the pre-ordered Xmas goodies. I did do a bit of a double take at one entry on our order summary, “36 pigs in blankets. Serves 18.”

18?! What kind of Christmas maths is that!? That would be TWO each. With dinner. Where are the ones you snaffle throughout the afternoon as you ‘pop into the kitchen’ and the ones you put in your Boxing Day sandwich!? Mr Sainsbury clearly needs some catering advice.

Wishing you the merriest one you can manage.
Fox in a blanket

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